Can You Lay A Water Heater Down For Transport?

Water heaters are essential appliances in most households, responsible for heating and providing a steady supply of hot water for various purposes. They come in different types, including tankless, storage tank, and heat pump water heaters, each with its unique features and considerations for transportation.

When the time comes to relocate a water heater, whether it’s for a home renovation or a change of residence, questions about the proper way to transport it often arise. One common query is whether it’s permissible to lay a water heater down for transportation. 

They come in different types, including tankless, storage tank, and heat pump water heaters, each with its unique features and considerations for transportation.

Can You Lay a Water Heater Down?

The answer to whether you can lay a water heater down for transport depends on several factors. It’s important to consider the type of water heater, the manufacturer’s guidelines, and the precautions you take to secure the unit during transportation. We’ll explore these factors in detail to provide a comprehensive answer.

The Risks of Laying a Water Heater Down

Transporting a water heater on its side, while a tempting solution due to space constraints, presents a series of potential complications and risks that should be thoroughly understood.

Damage to Internal Components

One of the most significant risks of laying a water heater down for transport is the potential for damage to its internal components. The delicate mechanisms and heating elements within the unit can become dislodged or damaged during transport. 

This can lead to malfunctions and costly repairs. Transporting a water heater in this manner may jeopardize its functionality and safety.

Gas and Water Leaks

When a water heater is positioned horizontally, there is a higher risk of gas and water leaks. Gas appliances, particularly those with standing pilots, are designed to operate in an upright position. 

Transporting the heater on its side can cause gas to escape from the pilot assembly, which is a safety hazard.

Safety Hazards

Laying a water heater down can create safety hazards. If gas and water leaks occur, they can lead to fire or explosion risks. Additionally, if the unit is not secured properly, it may shift during transport, causing damage and potential injury.

Decreased Efficiency

Transporting a water heater horizontally can also lead to decreased efficiency. The unit may not operate optimally after being moved in this manner, leading to higher energy consumption and potentially shorter lifespan.

Manufacturer’s Recommendations

Water heater manufacturers typically provide guidelines for safe transportation. These guidelines often specify that the unit should remain upright during transport. 

Disregarding these recommendations may void the manufacturer’s warranty, leaving you responsible for any repairs or replacements.

Alternative Transport Methods

For those concerned about the risks of laying a water heater down, there are alternative methods and precautions to consider when relocating a water heater. 

We’ll explore these alternative approaches, such as upright transportation, professional assistance, draining the tank, securing the unit, and protecting sensitive components. These methods can help minimize potential issues during transport.

Preparation for Transport

Proper preparation is a fundamental step to ensure the successful relocation of a water heater. It involves a series of essential actions to be taken before the actual move. These steps are critical to prevent damage to the unit, ensure safety, and maintain its functionality. Here’s a detailed overview of the preparation process:

Shut Off Power and Water Connections

  • Before anything else, disconnect the water heater from its power source. If it’s an electric water heater, turn off the circuit breaker connected to it. For gas water heaters, find the gas control valve and turn it to the “off” position.
  • Next, shut off the cold water supply to the heater. This prevents water from entering the tank during transport, reducing the risk of leakage.

Disconnect Straps or Ties

  • If your water heater is secured with straps or ties, carefully remove them. These restraints are used to secure the unit in place, and leaving them attached during transport can lead to damage.
  • Make sure to follow any manufacturer-specific instructions regarding the removal of securing mechanisms.

Inspect the Unit

  • Before moving the water heater, perform a thorough visual inspection. Check for any visible damage, loose or disconnected components, or signs of wear.
  • Ensure that there are no leaks around the tank or connections. If you notice any issues, address them before proceeding with transport.

Securing the Water Heater

Ensuring the water heater is securely fastened for transportation is crucial, regardless of its position. We’ll provide guidelines for safely securing the water heater in preparation for transportation, which is essential to prevent damage and accidents during the move.

Unloading and Installation

When your water heater arrives at its new destination, several crucial steps are necessary to ensure a successful and safe installation. Whether you’re relocating it to a different area of your home or to a new residence, these steps are vital. Here’s a comprehensive guide to unloading and installing your water heater:

Safety Assessments

  • Begin by conducting safety assessments in the new location. Ensure there are no obstacles, flammable materials, or sources of ignition near the water heater. Clear the area to create a safe working environment.


  • Inspect the water heater for any damage or issues that may have occurred during transport. Check for dents, dings, or loose components. Address any problems promptly to avoid complications later.


  • If you disconnected the power supply or plumbing lines during the move, it’s time to reestablish these connections, whether you need to lay a water heater down for transport or transport it in an upright position. For electric water heaters, reconnect the electrical wires and ensure that they are properly secured.
  •  For gas heaters, turn the gas control valve back on and check for any gas leaks by applying a soap and water solution to the gas line connections. If bubbles form, it indicates a leak and should be addressed immediately.

Adjust Temperature Settings

  • Finally, adjust the temperature settings on your water heater. The ideal temperature for hot water is typically around 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius). This setting balances comfort and safety while minimizing energy consumption.

Ensuring a Safe and Successful Move

Relocating a water heater is a task that requires careful consideration, preparation, and adherence to safety measures, especially when you need to lay a water heater down for transport. To ensure a safe and successful move, it’s essential to understand key points, their descriptions, and concerns related to the transportation process. Here’s an overview:

Type of Water Heater

  • The type of water heater you have significantly influences the safety of laying it down for transport. Electric water heaters and tankless units may be more tolerant of horizontal transport, but gas water heaters often require upright transportation due to safety concerns.

Manufacturer’s Recommendations

  • Manufacturers provide specific guidelines for transporting their water heaters. It’s crucial to follow these recommendations to prevent voiding the warranty and ensure safe handling during transport.

Risks of Laying a Water Heater Down

  • Transporting a water heater horizontally, like when you ask, “Can you lay a water heater on its side,” poses risks such as damage to internal components, gas and water leaks, safety hazards, decreased efficiency, and potential warranty issues. Understanding these risks is essential to make an informed decision.

Alternative Transport Methods

  • If you’re uncomfortable with the risks of lay a water heater down for transport, consider alternative methods such as upright transportation, professional assistance, or draining the tank before the move.

Preparation Steps

  • Proper preparation is key to a safe move, whether you need to lay a water heater down for transport or transport it in an upright position. Shut off the power and water connections, disconnect straps or ties, and inspect the unit for any visible damage or loose components before transportation.

By carefully considering these points and their descriptions, you can make informed decisions and take appropriate precautions when relocating your water heater.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points covered in the article:

Key PointsDescriptions
Type of Water HeaterConsider the type of water heater you have to determine its tolerance for laying down during transportation.
Manufacturer’s RecommendationsFollow the manufacturer’s guidelines for safe and warranty-preserving water heater transport.
Risks of Laying a Water Heater DownTransporting a water heater horizontally can lead to damage, gas and water leaks, safety hazards, decreased efficiency, and warranty concerns.
Alternative Transport MethodsExplore alternative approaches, such as upright transportation, professional assistance, or draining the tank.
Preparation StepsEnsure safe transportation by shutting off power and water, disconnecting straps, and inspecting for damage before the move.

These key points provide a concise summary of the important considerations when relocating a water heater, helping readers make informed decisions and take the necessary precautions for a safe and successful move.


Emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions and taking precautions when moving a water heater. Remember that each water heater has its unique characteristics, so always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the safest transport methods.

Understanding the type of water heater you have and adhering to the manufacturer’s recommendations are crucial first steps. It’s vital to recognize the risks associated with laying a water heater down, including potential damage, safety hazards, and efficiency concerns.

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