How To Keep Outdoor Tankless Water Heater From Freezing?

Outdoor tankless water heaters are a marvel of modern technology, providing an energy-efficient and on-demand supply of hot water. However, when the cold months roll in, the risk of freezing becomes a concern. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective strategies to keep your outdoor tankless water heater from freezing, ensuring a consistent supply of hot water even in the coldest weather.

Tankless water heaters are a fantastic addition to any home, providing on-demand hot water and energy efficiency. However, when it comes to outdoor installations, they face a unique challenge: the threat of freezing in cold weather. As the temperatures drop, your outdoor tankless water heater becomes susceptible to the elements. 

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind the freezing issue and provide you with essential tips on how to keep your outdoor tankless water heater operational, even during the chilliest winters.

Why Outdoor Tankless Water Heaters Freeze

Outdoor tankless water heaters are designed to withstand a range of weather conditions, but extreme cold can still pose a problem. When the temperature drops below freezing, the water within the heater and the attached pipes can freeze, causing potential damage. Frozen water expands and can result in burst pipes and internal damage to the unit. 

To avoid costly repairs and ensure a steady supply of hot water throughout the winter, it’s crucial to take steps to prevent freezing.

Tips for Winterizing Your Unit

Insulate the Pipes

Properly insulating the pipes is a fundamental step in ensuring that your outdoor tankless water heater remains operational in cold weather. Here’s an expanded explanation:

In freezing temperatures, uninsulated water pipes can become vulnerable to the cold. Insulating the pipes that connect to your outdoor tankless water heater is a crucial line of defense against freezing. This process involves wrapping the pipes with materials that minimize heat loss and maintain the water’s temperature, preventing it from reaching the freezing point. There are two primary methods for insulating pipes:

Foam Pipe Insulation

Foam insulation sleeves are a cost-effective and easily accessible option for insulating your pipes. These sleeves are designed to fit snugly around your water pipes and provide an additional layer of protection. They are available in various sizes to accommodate different pipe diameters.

 The foam’s insulating properties effectively reduce heat transfer, keeping the water inside the pipes at a safe temperature.

Heat Tape

Heat tape, also known as heating cable, is an electrically powered solution that prevents pipes from freezing. It consists of a cable with an integrated heating element and a thermostat. When the temperature drops to a critical level, the heat tape automatically activates, providing gentle warmth to the pipes. 

This continuous, low-level heat prevents freezing and ensures a steady flow of hot water. Heat tape is particularly useful in extreme cold conditions and is often used in conjunction with other insulation methods.

The combination of foam pipe insulation and heat tape offers comprehensive protection against freezing. Properly insulating your pipes will maintain the water’s temperature, preventing it from reaching the freezing point and ensuring the continuous operation of your outdoor tankless water heater, even in the harshest winter conditions.

Install a Freeze Protection Kit

Many tankless water heater manufacturers offer freeze protection kits designed to safeguard your unit and pipes from the effects of cold weather. Here’s an in-depth look at these kits:

Freeze protection kits are comprehensive solutions specifically created to tackle the challenges of freezing temperatures. They typically include a combination of electric heat-tracing cables and thermostats. When the ambient temperature drops to a critical level, the integrated thermostat activates the heat tracing cables, preventing the water heater unit and the connecting pipes from freezing.

Here’s a breakdown of how freeze protection kits work:

  • Electric Heat Tracing Cables: These specialized cables are the heart of the freeze protection kit. They are designed to wrap around the water pipes and the tankless water heater unit. The cables produce low-level heat when activated, ensuring that the temperature remains above freezing.

 Electric heat tracing cables are highly efficient in maintaining the warmth of the system, even in extreme cold.

  • Thermostat Control: A crucial component of the freeze protection kit is the thermostat. The thermostat continuously monitors the ambient temperature. When it senses that the temperature is approaching freezing levels, it triggers the heat tracing cables to activate. 

This automated system ensures that your tankless water heater and pipes are consistently protected without requiring manual intervention.

Freeze protection kits are an excellent choice for homeowners in regions with severe winter conditions. They offer a hassle-free and dependable solution to the freezing issue, ensuring that your outdoor tankless water heater functions optimally throughout the winter.

Set the Temperature Right

Properly adjusting the temperature settings of your tankless water heater is another essential step in preventing freezing. Here’s an in-depth explanation:

Maintaining the right temperature settings on your tankless water heater is vital for preventing freezing in colder weather. Many tankless water heaters come equipped with a “freeze prevention mode” or similar functionality that automatically adjusts the unit’s operation to ensure it remains active even during cold conditions.

Here’s how to set the temperature right:

  • Locate the Temperature Control: Start by locating the temperature control on your tankless water heater. This control may be a dial, button, or digital interface, depending on your unit’s make and model.
  • Activate Freeze Prevention Mode: If your tankless water heater has a “freeze prevention mode” or a similar setting, activate it. This mode ensures that the heater maintains a minimum temperature to prevent freezing.
  • Adjust the Temperature: If your unit doesn’t have a dedicated freeze prevention mode, you can manually adjust the temperature setting to a level that will keep the water warm enough to prevent freezing. A temperature setting of around 40°F (4°C) is typically sufficient to ensure the water stays above the freezing point.

Properly setting the temperature ensures that your tankless water heater remains active and maintains a safe temperature, even in colder weather. This step is critical for preventing freezing and ensuring a continuous supply of hot water throughout the winter.

Regularly Run Hot Water

Running hot water through your tankless water heater, even in small amounts, is an effective strategy for preventing freezing. Here’s an expanded explanation:

When the outdoor temperature drops, it’s important to keep water flowing through your tankless water heater regularly. Running hot water through the unit, even in small amounts, helps maintain the temperature within the system and prevents freezing.

Here’s how it works:

  • Continuous Flow: Set a schedule to run hot water through your tankless water heater at regular intervals. This can be as simple as turning on a hot water faucet for a few minutes several times a day.
  • Preventing Stagnation: Stagnant water within the unit and pipes is more likely to freeze. Running hot water keeps the water moving, preventing it from cooling down and reaching the freezing point.
  • Energy Efficiency: While this may seem counterintuitive in terms of energy efficiency, the energy used to heat the water intermittently is far less than the energy required to thaw frozen pipes or repair damage caused by freezing.

By incorporating this practice into your routine, you ensure that your tankless water heater remains active, and the water within the unit and pipes stays above freezing, even during the coldest winter days.

Prevent Snow Buildup

Preventing snow buildup around your tankless water heater is a crucial measure to maintain its efficiency during winter. Here’s an in-depth explanation:

In regions with heavy snowfall, the accumulation of snow around your outdoor tankless water heater can obstruct its operation and increase the risk of freezing. Clearing the area around the unit is essential to ensure that it functions optimally throughout the winter months.

Here’s how to prevent snow buildup:

  • Regular Snow Removal: After each snowfall, make it a routine to clear the area around your tankless water heater. Use a shovel or a snow blower to remove accumulated snow. Ensure that the area is kept clear to allow proper ventilation and access to the unit.
  • Maintain a Safe Clearance: Create a safe clearance zone around your water heater. This zone should be free from snow and ice to prevent obstructions and to enable easy access for maintenance.
  • Monitor Snow Drifts: Be vigilant about snow drifts that may accumulate around the unit. Drifts can quickly bury the water heater, leading to reduced efficiency and increased freezing risks.

Preventing snow buildup is a proactive measure that ensures your tankless water heater operates efficiently and mitigates the risk of freezing, especially in areas with harsh winter conditions.

Cover Your Unit

Using a cover or enclosure for your outdoor tankless water heater is a valuable strategy for protecting it from the elements. Here’s an expanded explanation:

While insulation and other preventive measures are vital, using a cover or enclosure provides an additional layer of protection for your tankless water heater. These covers shield your unit from direct exposure to cold winds, snow, and ice, helping to maintain a stable operating temperature.

Here’s how to effectively cover your unit:

  • Select a Weather-Resistant Cover: Choose a cover specifically designed for outdoor tankless water heaters. These covers are typically made from weather-resistant materials that can withstand cold, moisture, and UV exposure.
  • Ensure Ventilation: The cover or enclosure should be well-ventilated to prevent moisture buildup and ensure that your unit doesn’t overheat. Proper ventilation is key to maintaining a healthy operating environment.
  • Secure the Cover: Make sure the cover or enclosure fits securely around your tankless water heater. It should be snug but not too tight, allowing for proper airflow while keeping out the elements.
  • Regular Inspection: Periodically check the cover to ensure it remains in good condition. Replace it if it becomes damaged to maintain the protection it provides.

By covering your tankless water heater, you create a barrier against the harsh winter elements, helping to keep your unit and its components at a suitable temperature and preventing freezing.

By following these expanded steps, you’ll be well-prepared to protect your outdoor tankless water heater from freezing, ensuring a consistent supply of hot water even in the coldest of winters.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Neglecting Insulation

Neglecting to insulate the pipes and unit is a common mistake that leads to freezing. Insulation is your first line of defense against the cold.

Using Incorrect Materials for Insulation

Using the wrong insulation materials can be counterproductive. Make sure to choose insulation products that are suitable for outdoor use and can handle low temperatures.

Poorly Installed Freeze Protection Kits

Even if you invest in a freeze protection kit, it’s essential to install it correctly. Poor installation can lead to inadequate protection.

here’s a table summarizing the key points of the article:

SectionKey Points
IntroductionThe challenge of outdoor tankless water heaters in cold weather.
Section 1Understanding why outdoor tankless water heaters freeze.
Section 2Tips for preventing freezing:
Subsection 2.1Insulate pipes with foam insulation or heat tape.
Subsection 2.2Install a freeze protection kit with heat tracing cables and thermostats.
Subsection 2.3Adjust the temperature settings to prevent freezing.
Subsection 2.4Run hot water regularly to keep the system active.
Subsection 2.5Prevent snow buildup around the unit.
Subsection 2.6Use a cover or enclosure to protect the water heater.
Section 3Common mistakes to avoid, including neglecting insulation and poor installation of freeze protection kits.
ConclusionEnsuring a continuous supply of hot water during winter with proper protection.
FAQsAnswering common questions about tankless water heaters in cold weather.


Do outdoor tankless water heaters freeze?

Outdoor tankless water heaters are susceptible to freezing in cold weather.

How do you protect a tankless water heater from freezing?

Protecting it involves insulating pipes, using freeze protection kits, setting the right temperature, running hot water regularly, preventing snow buildup, and using a cover or enclosure.

How do you insulate an outdoor tankless water heater?

Insulate outdoor tankless water heaters by wrapping pipes with foam insulation or heat tape to prevent freezing.

Do outdoor tankless water heaters need to be covered?

Using a cover or enclosure is recommended to shield outdoor tankless water heaters from extreme weather conditions and maintain their efficiency.


In conclusion, protecting your outdoor tankless water heater from freezing is essential for maintaining a reliable supply of hot water during the winter. By insulating pipes, installing freeze protection kits, setting the right temperature, running hot water regularly, preventing snow buildup, and using covers, you can ensure your unit remains fully operational in the harshest of conditions.

 Avoid common mistakes, stay proactive, and enjoy winter with a consistently functional water heater.

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