What To Do When Tankless Water Heater Freezes?

A tankless water heater freezing is a situation that can occur in extremely cold conditions. This happens when the water inside the unit freezes, causing potential damage to the internal components of the heater.

Imagine waking up on a chilly winter morning, looking forward to a hot shower, only to find that your tankless water heater has frozen and is not functioning. This can be a frustrating start to the day, especially when you’re not sure what to do next.

In essence, if your tankless water heater freezes, there are a few steps you can take. First, turn off the power and water supply to the unit. Then, carefully thaw the unit using a heater or by placing warm towels around it. Once thawed, inspect the unit for any visible damage.

Understanding Tankless Water Heaters

Before we discuss the steps to tackle a frozen tankless water heater, let’s start by understanding how these systems work. Tankless water heaters, also known as on-demand water heaters, differ from traditional water heaters in that they heat water as you need it. 

They are energy-efficient, compact, and have gained popularity among homeowners for their benefits. However, they are not immune to freezing issues, especially in cold climates.

Signs of a Frozen Tankless Water Heater

Recognizing the signs of a frozen tankless water heater is essential before taking any action. Common indicators include:

No Hot Water

When you turn on the hot water tap and only get cold water, this is a clear sign that your tankless water heater may be frozen.

Low Water Flow

Reduced water flow is another symptom that may result from freezing, indicating that water isn’t flowing correctly through the system.

Strange Noises

Unusual noises, such as hissing or cracking, can suggest that ice is obstructing the unit’s components.

When it comes to ensuring your tankless water heater functions flawlessly, preventing it from freezing is essential. A frozen tankless water heater can lead to inconvenient disruptions and potentially costly repairs. Here are some strategies to prevent your tankless water heater from freezing:

Draining a Tankless Water Heater

Draining your tankless water heater is a crucial step in preventing freezing, especially if you won’t be using hot water for an extended period, such as during a vacation or if your property remains vacant during the winter.

How to Drain:

  • Turn off the power supply to the water heater.
  • Connect a hose to the drain valve and place the other end where the water can safely discharge.
  • Open the drain valve and let the water flow out until the tank is empty.

By draining the water from the unit, you eliminate the risk of water freezing inside the heater and causing damage.

Running a Low Water Flow

Another method to prevent freezing is to run a low flow of water through the tankless water heater when the weather gets extremely cold. A slow trickle of water through the system keeps it from freezing.

How to Run Low Water Flow:

  • Identify a faucet that is the farthest from the water heater.
  • Open this faucet slightly to allow a continuous but minimal flow of water.

This continuous flow prevents the water in the unit and the pipes from becoming stagnant and freezing. It’s a useful method during exceptionally cold spells.

Winterizing a Tankless Water Heater

Winterizing your tankless water heater is essential if you live in an area with harsh winters or if you plan to leave your property unattended during the cold season. Proper winterization ensures your water heater remains in good condition when the temperature drops.

Built-In Freeze Protection

Some modern tankless water heaters come equipped with built-in freeze protection features. These systems have sensors that monitor the temperature, and if it gets close to freezing, they activate a heating element to keep the water and components from freezing. 

Preventing a tankless water heater from freezing is vital to maintain its efficiency and avoid costly repairs. Draining the unit when not in use and running a low water flow during extreme cold are effective methods. If your tankless water heater has built-in freeze protection, make sure it’s properly configured. 

What to Do When Your Tankless Water Heater Freezes

If you suspect that your tankless water heater has frozen, follow these steps to address the issue:

Turn Off the Heater

The initial step is to locate the power source of the water heater and switch it off. This prevents further damage to the unit.

Thaw the Unit

To thaw a frozen tankless water heater, you can utilize various methods, such as space heaters, heating lamps, or hot towels. Place these heat sources near the unit to gradually thaw the ice. It’s crucial to note that you should never use an open flame to thaw the heater, as it can lead to damage or safety hazards.

Check for Leaks

After thawing, inspect the unit for any leaks or visible damage. If you notice any, it’s crucial to address them promptly to prevent water damage or further issues.

Insulate the Unit

Preventing future freezing is essential. Consider insulating your tankless water heater and the pipes connected to it. This insulation will help maintain a consistent temperature around the unit, reducing the risk of freezing.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Insulation: Keeping Your Tankless Water Heater Safe and Efficient

When it comes to ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your tankless water heater, insulation plays a critical role. Insulating your tankless water heater is an effective method to protect it from freezing during the cold winter months and maintain its performance. Here’s why insulation is essential:

Preventing Freezing

One of the primary reasons for insulating your tankless water heater is to prevent freezing. In regions where temperatures drop significantly during the winter, the water inside the unit and the connected pipes can freeze.

Maintaining Efficiency

Insulating your tankless water heater not only prevents freezing but also helps maintain its efficiency. When the unit operates in extremely cold conditions, it may need to work harder to heat the water, resulting in increased energy consumption. Proper insulation ensures that the heater operates efficiently, saving energy and reducing your utility bills.

Extending Lifespan

Tankless water heaters are known for their longevity, but freezing and extreme cold can affect their lifespan. Insulating the unit and pipes helps protect them from the wear and tear caused by freezing and the subsequent thawing process. 

Avoiding Costly Repairs

When a tankless water heater freezes, it can lead to significant damage, including cracked components, burst pipes, and water leaks. Repairing or replacing these parts can be expensive.

Ensuring Consistent Hot Water Supply

Proper insulation ensures a consistent supply of hot water, even during the coldest weather. You won’t have to worry about disruptions in your hot water service due to freezing. This is especially important for households that rely on hot water for various daily activities.

Types of Insulation

There are several types of insulation you can use for your tankless water heater:

Pipe Insulation

  • Insulating the pipes connected to your tankless water heater helps maintain water temperature as it travels from the unit to your faucets and showers.

Heater Blankets

  • Heater blankets or wraps are designed specifically for tankless water heaters. They provide a protective layer of insulation, helping to keep the unit warm and efficient.

Spray Foam

  • Spray foam insulation can be used to seal gaps and crevices in the area around the water heater, preventing cold air from infiltrating.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance of the insulation are essential. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines for insulation materials. Regularly check the insulation for any signs of wear or damage and replace it as needed.

here’s a summarized table that highlights the key points and descriptions from the article:

Key PointsDescription
Preventing a Tankless Water Heater from Freezing
Draining a Tankless Water HeaterRegularly draining your tankless water heater prevents freezing when not in use. It is essential to follow a specific process to do this safely and effectively.
Running a Low Water FlowIn extremely cold weather, running a low flow of water through the system can prevent freezing by keeping water circulation active.
Winterizing a Tankless Water Heater
Built-In Freeze ProtectionSome tankless water heaters come with built-in freeze protection features. Ensuring these features are activated and set correctly can prevent freezing.
Insulation: Keeping Your Tankless Water Heater Safe and Efficient
Preventing FreezingProper insulation prevents freezing by maintaining a consistent temperature inside the unit and connected pipes.
Maintaining EfficiencyInsulation helps maintain the heater’s efficiency, reducing energy consumption during cold weather.
Extending LifespanInsulation protects the unit from damage, potentially extending its lifespan.
Avoiding Costly RepairsPreventing freezing through insulation saves you from costly repairs caused by cracked components and burst pipes.
Ensuring Consistent Hot Water SupplyInsulation ensures a consistent supply of hot water, even in the coldest weather, preventing disruptions.
Types of InsulationDifferent types of insulation, including pipe insulation, heater blankets, and spray foam, can be used to insulate your tankless water heater.
Installation and MaintenanceProper installation and regular maintenance of the insulation are crucial to its effectiveness and longevity.
In ConclusionInsulating your tankless water heater is a smart investment that protects against freezing, reduces energy costs, and ensures reliable hot water all year round.


How do you fix a frozen tankless hot water heater?

You can fix a frozen tankless hot water heater by turning off the power, safely thawing it with heat sources, and checking for leaks or damage. 

What happens if my tankless water heater freezes?

If your tankless water heater freezes, it can result in reduced efficiency, potential damage to components, and a lack of hot water. 

How do you unfreeze a water heater?

To unfreeze a water heater, you can use safe heat sources like space heaters or hot towels. It’s crucial to avoid open flames to prevent damage or safety hazards. 

How do you insulate a tankless water heater from freezing?

Insulating a tankless water heater involves using insulation materials on the unit and the connected pipes to maintain a consistent temperature and prevent freezing.

How do I know if my tankless water heater is frozen?

Signs of a frozen tankless water heater include no hot water, low water flow, and unusual noises.


Dealing with a frozen tankless water heater can be inconvenient, but with the right steps, you can address the issue and prevent it from happening in the future. Always remember to turn off the heater, thaw it safely, check for damage, insulate the unit, and schedule regular maintenance. 

Preventing a tankless water heater from freezing is vital to maintain its efficiency and avoid costly repairs. Draining the unit when not in use and running a low water flow during extreme cold are effective methods. If your tankless water heater has built-in freeze protection, make sure it’s properly configured.

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